SFB 1064

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IRTG 1064 Retreat, September 19-21, 2018 at the Söllerhaus

Save the date!

19.09.2018 – 21.09.2018

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Save the date for our IRTG retreat from September 19-21, 2018  in the Söllerhaus in Kleinwalsertal on the German/Austrian border in the Allgäu Alps.

Sign-up starts soon!

The goals of the retreat are getting to know each other better, and delving into the topic of Good Scientific Practice! The non-scientific program offers hiking and canyoning in the nearby Schwarzwasserbach ravine.

We hope all IRTG members can make it!

For questions or suggestions, please contact someone on the Orga Team: Lena Bergmann, Thomas van Emden, Nikolas Eggers or Elizabeth irtg1064@bmc.med.lmu.de