SFB 1064

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Editing Cell Identities

It is undeniably one of the greatest findings in biology that (with some very minor exceptions) every cell in the body possesses the whole genetic information needed to generate a complete individual. Which of the hundreds of nuclear processes are however defining and protecting the identity of a cell is largely unknown. We are using CRISPR tools, epigenome editing, transcriptional targeting and epigenomic screens to take a fresh look on chromatin barriers, identity switches and disease associated marks.

stricker topic 625

Schematic of dCas9-based epigenome editing approaches, from Entering the post-epigenomic age: back to epigenetics. Sebastian Bultmann and Stefan H. Stricker, Open Biol. 2018 8 180013; DOI: 10.1098/rsob.180013

Stricker, Stefan

Prof. Dr. Stefan H. Stricker

Biomedical Center (BMC), Department of Physiological Genomics

Project A35 - Functional analysis and targeted manipulation of chromatin dynamics on mammalian noncoding regions