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Tunable light and drug induced depletion of target proteins

Nature Communications article from the Leonhardt lab


Deng W, Bates JA, Wei H, Bartoschek MD, Conradt B and Leonhardt H (2020). Tunable light and drug induced depletion of target proteins. Nat Commun., 11:304. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-019-14160-8

Abstract cited from article:

"Biological processes in development and disease are controlled by the abundance, localization and modification of cellular proteins. We have developed versatile tools based on recombinant E3 ubiquitin ligases that are controlled by light or drug induced heterodimerization for nanobody or DARPin targeted depletion of endogenous proteins in cells and organisms. We use this rapid, tunable and reversible protein depletion for functional studies of essential proteins like PCNA in DNA repair and to investigate the role of CED-3 in apoptosis during Caenorhabditis elegans development. These independent tools can be combined for spatial and temporal depletion of different sets of proteins, can help to distinguish immediate cellular responses from long-term adaptation effects and can facilitate the exploration of complex networks."

See LMU press release "All in a flash!" (Jan 21, 2020)