CRC 1064 Chromatin Dynamics - RESEARCH PROGRAM 2021-2025
A01 - Peter Becker
Domino nucleosome remodeling complexes and histone H2A.V dynamics in transcription and DNA repair
A03 - Andreas Ladurner
The chromatin remodelers ALC1 and HELLS regulate PARP dynamics and DNA repair
A04 - Philipp Korber
Genome-wide reconstitution of dynamics in nucleosome positioning, collision, eviction, and histone exchange
A06 - Karl-Peter Hopfner
Mechanisms of Regulation and Information Processing by the INO80 Remodeler
A11 - Gunnar Schotta
Silencing mechanisms of endogenous retroviruses
A12 - Ralph Rupp
Histone H4K20 demethylation in cell cycle-controlled differentiation
A15 - Jürg Müller
Structural basis of nucleosome binding and chromatin compaction by PRC1
A16 - Axel Imhof
Metabolic coupling of histone modification during chromatin assembly
A17 - Heinrich Leonhardt
Role and Regulation of DNA Modifications
A20 - Robert Schneider
Metabolic impact on chromatin dynamics - understanding control of gene expression through metabolic enzymes and their products
A21 - Henriette Uhlenhaut
Nutritional reprogramming of chromatin interactions by the glucocorticoid receptor
A24 - M-E. Torres-Padilla
Identification of the molecular and biophysical determinants controlling heterochromatin formation and silencing in the mouse embryo
A26 - Christoph Kurat
Establishment and Role of Chromatin Structure around Chromosome Replication Origins
A27 - Till Bartke
Cell Cycle-Dependent Regulation of the ORC-associated Protein LRWD1 by Phosphorylation of an Intrinsically Disordered Domain
A28 – Daphne Cabianca
Characterization of the chromatin organization response to food deprivation in the intestine of C. elegans
A29 - Stephan Hamperl
Compositional and structural analysis of DNA replication origins by locus-specific chromatin isolation
A30 - Eva Hörmanseder
Propagation of active chromatin states in embryos via histone modifications
A32 - Maria Robles
Protein and phosphorylation nuclear dynamics in time and space and its modulation by metabolism
A33 - Nicolai Siegel
The role of chromatin in the establishment of inter-chromosomal DNA-DNA interactions
A34 - Julian Stingele
Detection and repair of covalent DNA-histone crosslinks
A35 - Stefan Stricker
Functional analysis and targeted manipulation of chromatin dynamics on mammalian noncoding regions
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