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Remodeller Animations

Sebastian Eustermann, Avinash B. Patel, Karl-Peter Hopfner, Yuan He, Philipp Korber (Published online 2023 Dec 11) Energy-driven genome regulation by ATP-dependent chromatin remodellers. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41580-023-00683-y

A comprehensive review on ATP-dependent chromatin remodelers published in Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology by SFB1064 project leaders Philipp Korber and Karl-Peter Hopfner in collaboration with first author Sebastian Eustermann (formerly postdoc in the Hopfner group and now group leader at EMBL, Heidelberg) and Yuan He (Northwestern University, USA) and his postdoc Avinash Patel.

This review features animations that were produced by Janet Iwasa’s animation lab (University of Utah, USA) based on high-resolution structures and show chromatin remodelers in action. The production costs for these animations were co-funded by the SFB1064.

All rights reserved to the authors. These animations are free to show for educational purposes. Contact pkorber@bmc.med.lmu.de