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The histone chaperone ANP32B regulates chromatin incorporation of the atypical human histone variant macroH2A

Cell Reports report, a Ladurner lab collaboration


Imke K. Mandemaker, Evelyn Fessler, David Corujo, Christiane Kotthoff, Andreas Wegerer, Clément Rouillon, Marcus Buschbeck, Lucas T. Jae, Francesca Mattiroli,2 and Andreas G. Ladurner (2023 Oct 31) The histone chaperone ANP32B regulates chromatin incorporation of the atypical human histone variant macroH2A. Cell Reports 42, 113300. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.celrep.2023.113300

Abstract cited directly from the article:

ll vertebrate genomes encode for three large histone H2A variants that have an additional metabolite-binding globular macrodomain module, macroH2A. MacroH2A variants impact heterochromatin organization and transcription regulation and establish a barrier for cellular reprogramming. However, the mechanisms of how macroH2A is incorporated into chromatin and the identity of any chaperones required for histone deposition remain elusive. Here, we develop a split-GFP-based assay for chromatin incorporation and use it to conduct a genome-wide mutagenesis screen in haploid human cells to identify proteins that regulate macroH2A dynamics. We show that the histone chaperone ANP32B is a regulator of macroH2A deposition. ANP32B associates with macroH2A in cells and in vitro binds to histones with low nanomolar affinity. In vitro nucleosome assembly assays show that ANP32B stimulates deposition of macroH2A-H2B and not of H2A-H2B onto tetrasomes. In cells, depletion of ANP32B strongly affects global macroH2A chromatin incorporation, revealing ANP32B as a macroH2A histone chaperone.