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And the winners are ...

12.09.2021 – 26.09.2021

first prize meme 10

1st prize: Cindy Close from the Tinnefeld lab, Physical Chemistry, LMU

second prize meme 13

2nd prize: Pedro Weickert, IMPRS-LS, Stingele lab, Gene Center, LMU

third prize meme 12

3rd prize: Hannah Klimmt, IMPRS-TP, MPI for Psychiatry


Fan Favorite: Hilda C. Delgado de la Herrán, IMPRS-LS, Perocchi lab, Helmholtz Diabetes Center


Many thanks to all those who submitted memes, and to those who made this great effort possible! Special thanks to our guest juror Oded Rechavi!

All 23 submissions can be viewed on Instagram #lsgnmemecontest.


The Munich Life Science Graduate Network (LSGN) launches the First Meme Art Contest to bring our community together by laughing about science!



The Life Science Graduate Network (LSGN) launches the First Meme Art Contest to bring our community together by laughing about science! We ask you to create an original meme related to your PhD topic or science in general and share it with us!


Any PhD candidate from the Munich Life Science community can take part!


You have two ways to participate:

  • Uploading your meme in your Instagram account using the hashtag #lsgnmemecontest and tag us (@meme.lsgn).
  • Send the meme to our e-mail address meme.lsgn@gmail.com

Please provide us either via Instagram (in the post or by direct message) or in the e-mail:

  • Complete name of the contestant
  • Graduate program, if applicable
  • Laboratory/Institute

Submission deadline ended on SEPTEMBER 12, 2021.

Jury members

3 doctoral researchers, 1 postdoc, 2 program coordinators and guest Oded Rechavi (renowned evolutionary geneticist, professor at Tel Aviv University, and arguably the master of science memes!)


The jury will award a first, second and third prize. Moreover, a fan-favorite prize will be awarded through Instagram voting. All memes received will be uploaded to our Instagram account on September 13, 2021 and everyone will be able to vote for their favorite until September 26, 2021.

All winners will receive a generous book certificate award. Additionally, the jury’s first prize will have its meme printed on cups that will be raffled at our next LSGN event!

Conditions (download pdf, 600 KB)

  • The meme content has to be original.
  • You can use an original template as well as a free stock template.
  • It can only be one submission per participant.
  • Every participant must be a PhD candidate in the Life Sciences from the Munich area.
  • The purpose of the meme is to be funny and must not offensive. Sexism, racism and LGTBphobia are not funny.
  • The LSGN reserves the right to exclude a meme of the competition if we consider it’s not appropriate or not fitting to the conditions.

Join in, and let the laughing begin!

Your LSGN PhD Network Munich

(The LSGN is a network initiated by the PhD student representatives of the different Life Science graduate schools and programs in the greater Munich area, with the idea of organizing regular events for PhD students to provide a forum for peer exchange, scientific discussion and topics of common interest)

Download poster (pdf, 456 KB)