SFB 1064

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IRTG 1064 retreat in San Servolo, Venice

Creative scientific activities, inspiring views, a spectacular venue – and an amazing group of doctoral researchers!

31.07.2022 – 03.08.2022

IRTG 1064 Summer Serenissima Retreat at the VIU in San Servolo, Venice!

July 31 - August 3, 2022

After over 3 years having to abstain from annual retreats, 39 IRTG members convened on the Isola San Servolo, Venice for 4 days of scientific exchange, scheduled as well as spontaneous get-togethers, discussion, laughter, excursions, conversation, culture, sharing, networking. It is an amazing group – a real asset for the SFB 1064 – and was a memorable retreat!

See the program and photo impressions.