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Sustainable World: Global Challenges for Life Scientists

April 11, 2019. Thanks to all those who participated!



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This is a collaborative event organized by the Life Science Network Munich, a group of life science graduate programs in the greater Munich area, affiliated with the LMU, TUM, Helmholtz Zentrum and the MPIs. Our network hosts events on superordinate topics broadly relevant for life scientists, such as good scientific practice (Responsible Research 2014/2017) and emerging technologies (Cutting-Edge Technologies 2015).

For 2019, we addressed the topic of sustainability, with support from the Forum für Verantwortung.

Talks were presented from experts on different topics related to sustainability, world health issues, environment and climate change, giving our audience also a handle on constructive steps toward achieving sustainability and Global Goals.

Invited speakers: Dr. Bernhard Felbermeier (Silviculture, TUM), Prof. Dr. Wolfram Mauser (Geosciences, LMU), Prof. Dr. Harald Welzer (FUTRUZWEI Stiftung Zukunftsfähigkeit), Dr. Simone Müller (Rachel Carson Center, LMU)

Podium discussion panel: Dr. Nina Möllers (BIOTOPIA), Dr. Elizabeth C. Atwood (GeoBioCenter; Remote Sensing Solutions GmbH), Dr. Georg Vogl (EHS Manager at ThermoFisher, Regensburg), Johanna Kobilke (InnovationsGeist, LMU), Dr. Simone Müller (Rachel Carson Center, LMU)

Date: Thursday, April 11, 2019Sustainable World Webicon INFO-2
Location: BMC, Small auditorium
Time: 10:00-18:00

For students, doctoral candidates, postdocs – scientists of all levels and generations!

Participation is free of charge. Program, Gallery and Infobox at www.lifescience-munich.de