SFB 1064

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Memory of Somatic Cell Identity Affects Specific Cell Differentiation Programs Upon Reprogramming In Vivo

bioRXiv preprint from the Hörmanseder lab


Tomas Zikmund, Jonathan Fiorentino, Chris Penfold, Marco Stock, Gaurav Agarwal, Larissa Langfeld, Stephan Hamperl, Antonio Scialdone, Eva Hoermanseder (20240709) Memory of Somatic Cell Identity Affects Specific Cell Differentiation Programs Upon Reprogramming In Vivo. bioRXivdoi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.05.602198

Abstract cited directly from the preprint:

Nuclear reprogramming can change cellular fates. Yet, reprogramming efficiency is low and the resulting cell types are often not functional. Here, we used nuclear transfer to eggs to follow single cells during reprogramming in vivo. We show that the differentiation success of reprogrammed cells varies across cell types and depends on the expression of genes specific to the previous cellular identity. We find subsets of reprogramming resistant cells that fail to form functional cell types, undergo cell death, or disrupt normal body patterning. Reducing expression levels of genes specific to the cell-type of origin leads to better reprogramming and improved differentiation trajectories. Thus, our work demonstrates that failing to reprogram in vivo is cell-type specific and emphasises the necessity of minimising aberrant transcripts of the previous somatic identity for improving reprogramming.