Family Support: Day Care in Klopferspitzchen e.V.
The CRC1 064 especially aims to support young families in science.
To this end we established a cooperation with the day care centre ‘Klopferspitzchen’ on the campus Martinsried. ‘Klopferspitzchen’ provides affordable and full-time day care for children of age 1-3,5 years in a small group of up to 12 children. Children of CRC 1064 scientists have preferential access to placement in this day care.
To register with the waiting list of the day care please download the ‘Anmeldeformular’ from their website:
Fill in the form and answer ‘yes’ to the question of whether you are employed or associated with the SFB 1064.
Send one copy of the form to the postal address of ‘Klopferspitzchen’ and send an email to the gender program of the SFB 1064 (Elizabeth Schroeder-Reiter stating that you are interested in a placement of your child in Klopferspitzchen.
If a place becomes available we will contact you and invite you to visit the day care facility. Once a year, Klopferspitzchen also hosts an open house day to which you will be invited.