Advanced Methods and Conferences
For advanced methods training, the rich research environment in the greater Munich area offers top-notch facilities for individual methodological training necessary for doctoral projects ranging from bioimaging, mass spectrometry, flow cytometry, high-throughput sequencing, animal models and bioinformatics. Complementing this, the IRTG offers support for lab visits embedded in external groups, expert international workshops, summer schools and in-class courses. Campus methods spotlights are also organized in cooperation with local graduate programs to provide oversight and literacy in techniques available in core facilities in the Munichs area, as well as to introduce emerging technologies.
In addition to active participation in our own internation Chromatin Symposium, we also provide support for IRTG members to attend at least one external international conference for presenting own research, for educational exposure to cutting edge topics-in the field of chromatin research, and to develop and promote scientific networking.