Lecture Series
IRTG Lecture Series
The IRTG Lecture Series is the signature initiative of the program. Lectures are given in turn by the PIs of the CRC exclusively for the graduate students in the IRTG program and are intended to have a climate of bi-directional openness, fostering exchange of ideas and creative discourse. IRTG graduate student members are responsible for moderation of the lectures. The series covers four semesters in total, with approximately 8-10 lectures per year. Topics include both theory and methods, exposing students to all areas of expertise available in this SFB consortium. A unique resource for graduate associates, the series aims to provide firsthand information on leading opinions in chromatin research as well as deep insight into a broad range of cutting-edge technologies in molecular biology. See schedule
CRC Lecture Series
The CRC lecture series is open to the entire Life Science Campus community. It thrives on the internationally high profile guest speakers, invited by the PIs of the CRC. Presentations within this series are scheduled in general on Wednesdays, and are mandatory for IRTG members.
PhD Lunches
The PhD lunch is coupled to the CRC lecture series and provides an opportunity for students to meet reknowned national and international speakers. Students can invite the guest for a lunch break in absence of any supervising group leader or senior postdoc. Lunchtime discussions are not necessarily centered on scientific issues, but rather facilitate a personal interaction between the students and leading scientists in the field.
Swan Song
IRTG members that complete their doctorate work give a final talk for CRC peers, giving an opportunity to present and discuss the finished project to the group, and to have a farewell celebration including presentation of the graduate program certificate.