SFB 1064

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Real World Dilemmas: A Look at Theory and Practice of Good Scientific Conduct

2 h Webinar with Elizabeth Schroeder-Reiter


As scientists, we are expected to follow international standards of good scientific practice (GSP), but awareness of these standards is often simply assumed. Opportunities for discussion and learning (especially on sticky topics like authorship or selective data analysis) are relatively scarce. The tenets of GSP are neither lofty, ivory-tower concepts, nor are they black-and-white rules. They are more a blueprint, consisting of guidelines that in practice sometimes have "grey zones" and require discussion and interpretation.

This 2 h webinar, based on teachers' training content (Curriculum für Lehrveranstaltungen zur guten wissenschaftlicen Praxis, Gerlinde Sponholz, 2019) and the real life case-based "Dilemma Game", available through the Erasmus University of Rotterdam, aims to raise awareness about our GSP guidelines and to discuss ways to help guide us through the grey zones.

April 17, 2020 from 10:00-12.00, Zoom webinar upon invitation from the Center of NanoScience (CeNS).