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Responsible Research , July 24, 2014

The graduate programs of the Life Science Campus Großhadern/Martinsried are co-hosting an event on responsible research conduct.


responsible research 130x100What is responsible research? How can I present data accurately? What exactly is plagiarism, and how can it be avoided? What are the pros and cons of peer review publication? What is an Ombudsperson? These – and more – topics will be approached for next generation researchers.

Thursday, July 24, 2014, from 13:00 - 19:00 in the LMU Biocenter

  • Talks by invited guests
  • Topic sessions
  • Podium discussion

Detailed program and mandatory registration (free of charge) at www.lifescience-munich.de 

The program continues informally over a barbeque dinner on the terrace.

All junior researchers and guests are welcome!