Workshop: Adobe Illustrator
LMU Biocenter, October 13-14, 2016
13.10.2016 – 14.10.2016
Adobe Illustrator course with Dr. Andreas Binder
When: on Thursday and Friday, October 13-14, 2016 from 9:00-17:00.
Where: In the Biocenter (CIP room, G00.037), Grosshaderner Str. 2-4, 82152 Martinsried.
Adobe Illustrator is a powerful graphics program for editing and creation of vector-based images. In this two-day workshop we will cover both basic and more advanced functions of the software, which will be helpful to generate
scientific posters, figures and presentations.
In detail you will learn about:
- Creation of new documents as well as proper import and export of various file formats (PDF, Word, Excel, bitmap images, etc.)
- The basic Illustrator interface and tools
- How to use groups, layers and artboards to handle more complex documents such as posters
- Using the align tools and the coordinate system to easily arrange objects and draw exact illustrations.
- Integration of Adobe Photoshop to process and edit bitmap images (microscopic images, scans, etc.)
- Text editing and arrangement
- Color management
- Advanced drawing tools, perspective drawing, vectorization and shape modification
Sign-up or further information any time with Elizabeth
Co-organized with GRK 2062