Mass-Spec Proteomics on Campus 2016
For junior scientists interested in mass-spec-based Proteomics
On Tuesday, November 8, 2016 the IRTG 1064 and IMPRS-LS held an informal partial-day symposium aimed at junior scientists interested in informing and orienting themselves in the challenging arena of Proteomics.
- Hear introductions to selected techniques.
- Ask the questions you never had the chance to ask.
- Meet the operators and expert users from on-campus facilities
- See some of the proteomics facilities on campus
Targeted to undergraduates, graduates, post-graduates
Many thanks to the contributors from the Großhadern/Martinsried campus:
Georg Arnold (LAFUGA, Gene Center), Jürgen Cox (Charo Robles/Stefka Tyanova) (MPI Biochemistry), Henrik Daub (Evotec), Franz Herzog (Gene Center), Axel Imhof (BMC), Stefan Lichtenthaler (DZNE), Matthias Mann (MPI Biochemistry), Naga Nagaraj (MPI Biochemistry), Garwin Pichler and Nils Kulak (Preomics)
Download poster (pdf, 1.6 MB)
Download program (pdf, 1.7 MB)
Organizers: IMPRS-LS, IRTG 1064