SFB 1064

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Effective Communication – how to get to the point and convince others

Online course to acquire tools to help you understand and really lead conversations

15.12.2021 – 16.12.2021

In this course, you will get to know an easy communication structure which will help you to communicate in a
convincing way. You will become conscious of gender-specific communication and body language. You will master your emotions even in critical situations. Furthermore, you will learn how to give criticism constructively without offending or creating conflict.

Our objective is, to provide you with all you need to really lead conversations.


  • You will communicate to the point.
  • You will structure information and communicate in a way which is appropriate for the target group.
  • You will be aware of gender-specific communication.
  • You lead critical conversations.
  • You are able to convince your dialog partner(s).


During the workshop, you will be working with two experienced coaches.


„With all these tools and tips you will convince everybody. “
„Excellent training! “
“Very interactive online workshop. I have learned and practiced a lot, got valuable feedback.


The workshop uses the accelerated learning method. This means the following:

  • During the workshop, you will be active 80% of the time. You will combine theory with practice.
  • We employ a variety of methods to ensure that all channels of perception are stimulated – this increases learning success.
  • Our training is based on situations you encounter in your daily professional life. Therefore, you will be able to directly implement the answers and solutions you develop during the workshop.
  • The workshop includes all four psychological learning steps, from mindset to skills. Through frequent practice your strengths are reinforced and new approaches and behaviors become second nature. This ensures sustainable learning success.

 See description, coaches and preliminary program (pdf, 657 KB)

Due to the "gender" communication element in this workshop, we aim for 50% male and 50% female participants. Sign up any time with Elizabeth irtg1064@bmc.med.lmu.de