SFB 1064

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Alumni Career Get-together

Meet former IRTG members now in the workforce


Zoom meeting on Tuesday, April 5, 2022 at 17:00

  • Sarah Schunter (formerly in AG Becker)
    Works at coliquio GmbH as well as is self-employed as a business consultant, scientific writer and content creator.
    “After finishing my PhD I feared most that I might lose grip on science. But science is still happening – even outside of academia. Today I educate and consult business partners on how to communicate science to physicians and customers. Because I strongly believe that (scientific) knowledge provides the basis for informed desicions.“
  • Kenneth Börner (formerly in AG Becker)
    Works for Fresenius-Kabi.
    "Quality matters most: A former biologist nerd now in a global quality position.“
  • Lisa-Maria Hagemann (formerly in AG Hake)
    Works at AMS in Expert health technology assessment || HTA Management & medical writing.
    “Participating in the health policy balancing act between innovation and affordability of new medicines”

Each guest will give a short introduction about what they have been doing since finishing their degrees, after which we will have informal group exchanges in smaller breakout sessions.

Everyone will have a chance to meet each alum-guest and ask questions.

Access link will be sent through the IRTG mailing list, or contact irtg1064@bmc.med.lmu.de