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Bioimaging Day 2015

Tuesday, June 2, 2015, 10:00-17:00

LMU Biocenter, Lecture Hall B01.027 Grosshaderner Str. 2, Martinsried

 You are invited to participate in the first Bioimaging Day on the Martinsried campus, an opportunity to get an overview of the state-of-the-art light microscopic techniques available on the Life Science Campus.

This is an informal symposium aimed not at polished experts, but at junior researchers (doctoral candidates and postdocs) interested in informing and orienting themselves in the acronym jungle and competitive arena of light microscopy.

The program: Introductions on what you need to know about modern light microscopy and fluorophores, 30 min talks including FRET, FRAP, multi-photon, light-sheet, spinning disc, fluctuation spectroscopy, single particle tracking, STED, PALM/STORM, 3D SIM

See the program and download material

The follow-up: For those who would like to try their hands on one or more of the LM techniques, there will be the opportunity to sign-up for small scale workshops hosted by some of the contributors (dates and demos tba). There is limited space, and due to the enthusiastic response, we cannot guarantee that we can accommodate everyone, so we ask for your patience and cooperation. The mode for sign-ups will be explained on June 2 before the talks begin. 

The contributors: from the Center for Advanced Light Microscopy (CALM, Faculty of Biology) Dr. Hartmann Harz, Dr. Yolanda Markaki, Joel Ryan and Prof. Heinrich Leonhardt Prof. Marc Bramkamp (Faculty of Biology), Prof. Don Lamb (Faculty of Chemistry), Dr. Steffen Dietzel (Walter Brendel Center, Faculty of Medicine), Dr. Robert Kasper (MPI Neurobiology), Dr. Martin Spitaler (MPI Biochemistry). 

The organizers: IRTG 1064 Chromatin Dynamics and IMPRS from Biology to Medicine, irtg1064@med.lmu.de or info@imprs-ls.mpg.de 

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