Bioinformatics Day 2024
February 20, 2024 in the Biomedical Center Munich (BMC), Small Lecture Hall N02.040
Join us for a Bioinformatics networking event on the Munich Life Science Campus to learn examples of how Bioinformatics is being applied to biological and clinical topics in the Munich area. Hands-on Bioinformatics experts and users have the opportunity to meet each other and discuss in person. Biologists can meet potential collaborators; Bioinformaticians can get a feeling for biologists’ needs.
Registration is mandatory and free of charge. To encourage networking, participants have the option of presenting a poster of their own work during designated poster sessions. Poster space is limited and will be assigned on a "first come, first served" basis.
Target group: early career scientists and campus researchers interested in learning about different bioinformatic applications, tools and potential collaborators.
Goals: Learning and networking, both for wet lab researchers as well as bioinformatician experts. We hope this will create interest for initiating a Bioinformatics network in the greater Munich area.
- What questions on campus are being tackled using bioinformatics?
- Who are the bioinformaticians on campus? Who else does bioinformatics?
- What are good bioinformatic practices?
General scientific disciplines:
- Population Genetics
- Imaging
- Clinical/translational applications
- Gene regulation
- Genome organization
- Proteomics
- Machine Learning
Keynote: Eleftheria Zeggini (TUM/ ITG-HMGU)
Wasim Aftab (LMU BMC)
Dexiong Chen (MPIB)
Anna Danese (LMU BMC)
Sebastian Vosberg (LMU Klinik)
Ines Hellmann (LMU Biocenter)
Gabriele Lubatti (IES-HMGU)
Andreas Mock (LMU Klinik)
Markus Schmidt (LMU BMC)
Maria Solovey (LMU BMC)
Tobias Straub (LMU BMC)
Wenke Walter (MLL)
Scientific coordinators: Anna Danese (AG Stricker, BMC) and Maria Solovey (AG Colomé-Tatché, BMC)
Organizers: IRTG-SFB 1064 Chromatin Dynamics, IRTG-SFB 1054 Cell Fate Decisions, Graduate School for Quantitative Biosciences Munich (QBM), Promotionsprogramm Klinische Pharmazie, Munich School for Data Science (MUDS), Elite Master's Program Human Biology – Principles of Health and disease, Munich Clinician Scientist Program (MCSP) IMPRS for Molecules of Life (IMPRS-ML)